Spider Control Products

Spider Control Products
application methods The pesticide application method you choose depends on the nature and habits of the target pest, the properties of the pesticide, the suitability of the application equipment, and the cost and efficiency of alternative methods. Your choice is often predetermined by one or more of these factors. Follow label direction for volume recommendations and application rates based on the pest to be controlled and utilize appropriate application tips on equipment.


Spiders 15 types; among them following 4 types you will see more in and around your Residential or Commercial property.

See below what kind of "Spiders" are bugging you in and around your House or Business. Click image of your target spider to see Prevention tips and Manufacturer recommended products.

Spider Control Products for a Pest-Free Home

Spiders, although often beneficial as they help control other insect populations, can be a source of anxiety for those with arachnophobia. If you find yourself wanting to remove spiders from your living spaces, we have a range of spider control products that can help you maintain a spider-free environment, both indoors and outdoors.

Identifying and Controlling Spiders

Identifying spiders is the first step in effective spider control. While it can be challenging for homeowners to distinguish between spider species, our spider control products can help you manage these arachnids with ease.

Steps for Effective Spider Control

Clean Up: Start by eliminating potential spider hideouts in your surroundings, such as firewood piles and yard clutter. During your cleanup, also remove cobwebs with the help of a cobweb duster and Web Out solution. By eliminating their webs, you disrupt their ability to capture prey.

Residual Insecticides: Our range of spider control products includes powerful residual insecticides like Cyzmic CS, LambdaStar Ultra Cap 9.7, Cyper WSP, Onslaught, and D-Fense SC. Apply these insecticides along entry points like cracks, crevices, doors, windows, and utility connections. These are the areas where spiders commonly enter in search of other insects as their food source. Additionally, spray in corners and any spots where spiders may be building webs.

Insecticide Dusts: For comprehensive spider control, consider using insecticide dusts like D-Fense Dust. Apply dust in areas such as attics, wall voids, and along baseboards. D-Fense Dust provides long-lasting protection, lasting for six months or more. To apply, you'll need a duster, and the Dustin Mizer is an efficient choice for attics. You can also use D-Fense Dust with the Webster Cobweb Duster Head to treat cobweb-prone areas.

Aerosols: Reach inaccessible areas with aerosol spider control products featuring crack and crevice tips like Zenprox or D-Force. Apply these aerosols under baseboards, around door frames, and in corners to target spider hiding spots that liquid insecticides may not reach.

Spider Traps: Enhance your spider control efforts by placing spider traps strategically. The Biocare spider trap mimics a safe hiding place, effectively luring and capturing spiders. These traps also serve as monitoring tools to track the presence of spiders.

Spider Bites and Venom

While most spiders use venom to subdue their prey, only three species in North America pose a threat to humans: Black Widow Spiders, Brown Recluse Spiders, and European House Spiders. If you are bitten by a spider, seek medical attention immediately and contact the National Poison Control Center at 1-877-788-2847.

Maintain a spider-free environment with our range of spider control products. Whether you need outdoor or indoor spider control products, our selection includes options for every need. Keep your home pest-free and enjoy peace of mind with our effective spider control solutions.

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Manufacturer Recommended Products And Treatment For Spider Control

Pests need food, water, and shelter. Often the problem may be solved just by removing these key items. Before even thinking about chemical pest control, it is important to be aware of

Pest’s Conducive conditions & It’s Recommendations.

Conducive Condition Recommendation
1 Tree branches on house Keep tree branches away from house to reduce pest access
2 Firewood next to foundation Keep firewood away from house to reduce pest harborage
3 Debris on crawlspace/next to foundation Remove wood debris to reduce termite ha rborage area
4 Excessive plant cover, stump, etc. Providing spacing between plant cover and structure
5 Soil above the foundation Ii ne Keep soil below top of foundation to reduce harbo rage areas
6 Wood-to-ground contact Keep soil from touching wood to eliminate termite access
7 Debris on roof/full gutter Keep gutter & roof free of debris to reduce insect harborage
8 Standi ng water near/under structure Eliminate standing water to reduce pest harbo rage
9 Mo isture problem under structure Increase ventilation to reduce pest harbo rage area
10 Openi ngs at plumbi ng & electronics Seal opening to reduce pest access
11 Excessive gaps at windows/doors Seal gaps to reduce pest access
12 Lea ky plumb ing fixtures Repair to reduce moisture for pests
13 Keep garbage cans covered Covered to reduce attraction of insects of vertebrate pests
14 Mo isture damage wood Repair rotten or damaged wood to reduce insect harborage
15 Grocery bags stored improperly Seal paper sacks in containers to reduce i nsect ha rborage areas
16 Pet food unsealed or left out Keep pet food in sealed containers and unavailable to pests
17 Excessive storage conditions Keep storage areas uncluttered and manageable
18 Debris below kick plates Remove kick plates to reduce rodent harborage
Pesticides can be purchased in many different forms, each form has specific uses and
application methods The pesticide application method you choose depends on the nature and habits of the target pest, the properties of the pesticide, the suitability of the application equipment, and the cost and efficiency of alternative methods. Your choice is often predetermined by one or more of these factors. Follow label direction for volume recommendations and application rates based on the pest to be controlled and utilize appropriate application tips on equipment.
, these application methods are for informational purposes only. To know specific applications method/s for the product you buy, please refer actual packages for complete Label Verbiage.

42 products

42 products