Ticks spread dangerous Lyme disease

With you and your pets enjoying fall season outside and spending more time outdoors, you are more susceptible to Tick bites. Ticks jump on to the host when you brush against a plant they are present in. They are often found in grass or shrubs.

There are many species of ticks but the most dangerous of them all are the Deer Ticks. Deer ticks are also called Black legged Ticks; they are as tiny as a pinhead in size and are found across the United States.

Bite from a Deer tick can cause Lyme disease, Lyme disease cause flu like symptoms and some people also develop a red ring like rash. Lyme disease usually is treated with antibiotics, but some people experience long-term problems with joints, heart, muscles and nerves continuing for months.

CDC says Lyme disease is most frequently reported from the Upper Midwestern and northeastern United States. Some cases are also reported in northern California, Oregon, and Washington. In 2015, 95% of Lyme disease cases were reported from 14 states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin.


  • Some non-chemical techniques that help reduce tick problems include keeping grass and weed cut sort in tick-infested areas. This discourages alternative hosts, such as rodent.
  • Removal of clutter and debris on the property will also discourage rodent populations, as will removal of any nesting material left by rodents.
  • Wearing long sleeve shirt, pant and shoes when outdoors or hiking.
  • Removal of bird nests in and around structures will reduce the number of ticks, especially of soft ticks.
  • Fencing of yard and leash laws prevent dog from staying into tick-infested fields, woods and parks. However, where deer populations are high in urban or suburban areas, populations of the deer ticks that are vectors of Lyme disease are also likely to be high in yards, parks, schoolyards, cemeteries and golf courses and around ponds and along streams.
  • Screening and sealing house entry points used by tick hosts, such as squirrels, raccoons, chipmunks and bats will also reduce tick problems in and around the home.
  • Sealing cracks and crevices where ticks can hide, both inside and on the exterior of home, will aid in management.
  • Regular examination and grooming of pets (especially dogs) and frequent cleaning of their bedding, is also strongly recommended.
  • Infested pet bedding should be carefully washed or disposed of. The area around the pet bed should be carefully and thoroughly treated.
  • Remove the occasional tick found indoor by vacuuming, seal the vacuum bag and place it in the trash.

Bifen IT is a muliti use insecticide that is very effective and econimical for DIY PEST CONTROL as it not only works on controlling ticks but also 75 other pests.

Bifen IT can be used indoors and outdoors in residential, institutional, public, commercial and Industrial buildings and lawn, ornamentals, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.

Buy Bifen IT on PCPD: Link here