Weeds Control Products

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Weeds Control Products
application methods The pesticide application method you choose depends on the nature and habits of the target pest, the properties of the pesticide, the suitability of the application equipment, and the cost and efficiency of alternative methods. Your choice is often predetermined by one or more of these factors. Follow label direction for volume recommendations and application rates based on the pest to be controlled and utilize appropriate application tips on equipment.


Weeds, weeds, everywhere there are weeds!

Weeds in and around your trees, shrubs, lawns and flowers are not only unsightly; they can sap vital nutrients from the soil. Weeds can also harbor destructive insects and diseases. We supply an array of products to help rid your lawn of unsightly weeds.

Use following Weed Guide to properly identify the weed you would like to manage.

Consult your local cooperative extension service office for recommendations suitable for your area.

2 products

2 products