Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description BioCeres WP is a bio-insecticide that is insect-pathogenic which uses a new strain of fungus called Beauveria bassiana. This distinct strain is recommended for organic production and it is absolutely suited for IPM programs, within a tank mix with other types of pesticides as well as precise, stand-alone use. This product is branded with zero phytotoxicity which means it has no harmful content including salinity, trace metals, and allelochemicals that may poison and affect plant growth. It is also non-resistant making it susceptible to the impact of a deleterious agent. It also has a 4-hour window for a restricted-entry interval (REI), which is shorter in comparison to the usual 24-hour REI. It does not require any particular number of days as an interval for application prior to harvesting crops. BioCeres WP is listed under IRAC Code Exempt as non-classified. It also controls various pests including plant bugs, whiteflies, aphids, and thrips by adhering to the insect’s outer shell or cuticle, causing death. With a PHI of 0 days, BioCeres can be applied up until the day of harvest. BioCeres should be applied at the first sight of pests but is the most effective when it is used as a preventative. It can be applied on a 5-7 day spray interval, and for more severe infestations it can be applied at a higher rate every 3-5 days. Use on a wide range of vegetables, crops, greenhouse and ornamentals. Comes is a 1 lb. resealable bag.
Target Pests Whiteflies, thrips, aphids, spotted wing drosophila, bud weevil, European corn borer, plant bugs and striped cucumber beetles.
For Use In Agricultural crop
Active Ingredients Beauveria bassiana strain - 20.0%
EPA Registration Number 89600-2
Manufacture Name BioSafe Systems

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