Brand Prime Source
Product Type Non-Agricultural (Non-Ag)
Description Prime Source's Surfactant 80 / 20 is a non-ionic surfactant mainly used on leaf surfaces. Since water has a negative charge at one end and a positive charge on the other, the water molecules bind tightly together leaving the leaves with a waxy, water repellent surface. This substance helps insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and other turf protection chemicals improve their performance into target surfaces. This liquid surfactant provides uniform spray coverage, improves herbicide retention, assists in penetration and lowers the surface tension. The 80/20 Select is added to a spray mixture and helps in increasing the wetting ability and providing more uniform disposal on leaf surfaces.
For Use In Commercial and Residential: Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides and liquid Fertilizers
Active Ingredients Proprietary blend of nonionic surfactants and humectants - 80.0%

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