Brand Caravan
Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description Caravan G Insecticide-Fungicide systemic control of both insect pests and diseases with one product to turf grasses.
Target Pests "Insect controled: Larvae (white grubs) of: Aphodius species, Asiatic garden beetle, Billbugs, (Sphenophorus species), Black turfgrass ataenius,European chafer, Green June beetle, Japanese beetle, May or June beetle, (Phyllophaga species), Northern masked chafer, Oriental beetle, Flea beetles, Leafhoppers, Greenbugs, Sod webworms,Spittlebugs, Ants (excluding Carpenter, Fire, Harvester, and Pharaoh ants). Disease controled: Powdery Mildew, Pythium Blight, Pythium Root Rot, Southern Blight, Summer Patch, Rhizoctonia Leaf & Sheath, Brown Ring Patch.Blight."
For Use In Turf grasses on residential lawns, commercial grounds (office and shopping complexes, airports), parks, playgrounds, golf courses, and athletic fields.
Application Equipment Hand Spreader, Push Spreader
Application Methods Granular Spreading
Active Ingredients Azoxystrobin 0.31%, Thiamethoxam 0.22%
Chemical Type Fungicide
Formulation Granular
Shelf Life Caravan G is good for 2 years when stored in a cool, dry place.
30.80 lbs
EPA Registration Number 100-1415
Manufacture Name Syngenta

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