Brand Crossbow
Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description Crossbow® herbicide is a post emergent product that targets woody plants and brush such as blackberries and poison oak as well as annual and perennial broadleaves, while leaving grasses unharmed.
Target Pests Blueweed, buttercup (annual), horseweed (marestail), lambsquarters (common), mustard (wild), ragweed (common), spurge (thyme-leaf), bedstraw (annual), bluebur, clover (white sweet), cocklebur, croton (wooly), dogbane (hemp), ironweed (tall), lettuce (wild), mustard (tansy), radish (wild), ragwort (tansy), shepherd's purse, amaranth (spiny), buttercup (tall), chickweed (mouseear), clover (white), dandelion, dock (curly), galinsoga (hairy), goatsbeard, henbit, ironweed (western), ivy (ground), kochia, lespedeza, oxalis, pennycress (field), pepper weed, pigweed (filed), plantain (narrow leaf), purslane (annual), sneezeweed (bitter), sunflower, thistle (Russian), vetch, wormwood (biennial), yellow rocket, bindweed (field), carrot (wild), chicory, dogfennel, fleabane (annual), horsenettle, kudzu, marhelder, milkweed, pepperweed (perennial), pokeweed, sesbania, sowthistle, spurge (leafy), thistle (musk), yarrow.
For Use In Non-crop use only. Applications can occur in rangeland, permanent grass pastures, Conservation Reserve Program acres, fencerows, non-irrigated ditchbanks, roadsides and industrial sites.
Application Equipment Backpack Sprayer, Hose End Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Spray Rig
Application Methods Broadcast Spray, Spot Treatment
Active Ingredients 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) 34.4% Triclopyr 16.5%
Chemical Type Herbicide
Formulation Suspended Concentrate
Shelf Life Crossbow Herbicide can last 3 years when stored in a cool, dry place.
9.14 lbs
EPA Registration Number 62719-260-5905
Manufacture Name Helena Chemical

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