Endangered Species Considerations: Before using this product, consult with your State or local wildlife authorities to ensure that use does not present a hazard to any threatened or endangered species.

Brand Deer scram
Product Type Non Agricultural (Non-Ag)
Description Is all natural, biodegradable, environmentally safe and keep deer and rabbits away from your prized gardens, shrubs and trees.
Target Pests Deer
For Use In Prized gardens, shrubs and trees, flowers and vegetables.
Application Equipment Gloves, Hand Spreader
Application Methods Granular Spreading
Active Ingredients Blood meal - 42% Garlic - 4% Red Pepper - 2.8% Cloves - 1.5%
Chemical Type Organic
Formulation Repellent
Shelf Life Deer Scram Professional can last 1 to 3 years in storage when kept in cool, dry place.
27.10 lbs
Manufacture Name EPIC Repellents

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