Brand DyneAmic
Product Type Non-Agricultural (Non-Ag)
Description DyneAmic is a high quality non-ionic surfactant that greatly enhances the effectiveness of Herbicides and Fungicides on lawns, ornamentals, trees and landscape areas.
For Use In For adding to herbicide spray Solutions to lowers the surface tension of water or increases the wetability of a spray solution With almost all herbicide sprays including.
Application Methods Ground: 3 - 5 per 100 gallons of spray solution * See label for complete application instructions
Active Ingredients Methyl esters of C16-C18 fatty acids, polyalkyleneoxide modified polydimethylsiloxane, alkylphenol ethoxylate - 99.0% Constituents ineffective as spray adjuvant - 1.0%
2.15 lbs
Manufacture Name Helena Chemical

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