According to the US EPA, Nufarm Imazuron a non-selective bare ground herbicide should not be used under paved areas like driveways or parking lots on residential properties. It also shouldn't be used where landscape plantings are expected or in recreational areas like under bike or jogging paths.

Product Benefits

  • Provides knock down and long-term control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds, vines, hardwoods, and grasses
  • Excellent long-term control of grasses such as broadleaf signalgrass, johnsongrass, and sand dropseed
  • Season-long bareground control
  • Unique dispersible granule formulation won’t clog nozzles or injection units ensuring easy application and even product distribution
Brand Imazuron
Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description Nufarm Imazuron, gravel yards and other intentionally bare areas are rid of 150 annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds and vines.
Target Pests GRASSY WEEDS Barnyardgrass Bluegrass (annual) Brome (smooth) Cogongrass Crabgrass Foxtail Johnsongrass Saltgrass Sandbur Sand dropseed Sprangletop, Vaseygrass BROADLEAF WEEDS Dogfennel Goldenrod Horseweed Kochia Lambsquarters Pigweed Puncturevine Ragweed Russian thistle Shepherd’s- purse Velvetleaf VINES (PERENNIAL) Greenbriar Kudzu Morningglory Trumpetcreeper Virginia creeper Nufarm Imazuron also controls 30+ species of brush.
For Use In Non-crop areas where bare ground is desired (industrial non-crop areas including utility plant sites, petroleum tank farms, pumping installations, storage areas, railroads, utility, pipeline rights-of-way, highway rights-of-way, non-irrigation ditchbanks, fencerows, farmyards, and non-crop areas around farm buildings) Paved surfaces.
Application Equipment Backpack Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Spray Rig
Application Methods Drench Treatment, Spot Treatment
Active Ingredients Diuron 62.22%, Imazapyr 7.78%  (Same as Mojave 70 EG, Sahara DG)
Chemical Type Herbicide
Formulation Water Dispersible Granule (WDG)
Shelf Life Imazuron Herbicide may last up to 3 years when stored properly in a cool, dry place.
10.23 lbs
EPA Registration Number 228-654
Manufacture Name Nufarm

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