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Brand Telar
Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description Telar XP is Selective Pre-Emergent broad-spectrum tank-mix herbicide that provides contact and residual control in pastures where farmers and ranchers want to keep their bahiagrass.
Target Pests Broadleaf weeds: Annual broomweed, bitter sneezeweed, cocklebur, crotons, pigweed, puncturevine, Russian knapweed, thistle complex, whitetop and moreAlways read and follow label instructions. See the product label for a full list of weeds controlled.
For Use In Rangeland, pastures, grass hayfields and grasses in the Conservation Reserve Program, non-crop industrial sites, including industrial sites, airports, fence rows, roadsides, and rights-of-way, lumberyards, petroleum tank farms, railroads, storage areas.
Application Methods Apply when desirable grasses are well established, as premature treatment may result in top kill and stand reduction. For best results, treat turf at green-up.
Active Ingredients Chlorsulfuron - 75%
Formulation Dry flowable formula.
0.65 lbs.
EPA Registration Number 432-1561
Manufacture Name Quali-Pro

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